











Spendflo 2.0 - Rebranding and Website revamp

Spendflo 2.0 - Rebranding and Website revamp

Spendflo 2.0 - Rebranding and Website revamp

Spendflo 2.0 - Rebranding and Website revamp

Spendflo identified a need to enhance their brand identity and website to better reflect their core values, attract a broader customer, and establish themselves as a trusted leader in the SaaS spend optimization industry. The existing website lacked a cohesive visual identity, and the messaging needed refinement to communicate the platform's unique value proposition effectively.

The Process


Spendflo, a pioneering SaaS cost optimization platform, embarked on a strategic journey to elevate its digital presence. The motivation behind this initiative was to not only align the website with the cutting-edge nature of Spendflo's services but also to deliver an unparalleled user experience that resonates with its diverse clientele.

  • Enhance overall user experience: Focus on intuitive navigation, streamlined content presentation, and improved accessibility.

  • Increase user engagement and time spent on the platform: Create captivating content and features that encourage prolonged user interaction.

  • Improve conversion rates for sign-ups and subscription plans: Optimize user journeys and calls-to-action to boost conversion rates.

Research and Analysis

User Persona Analysis

Through extensive interviews, surveys, and data analysis, we developed detailed user personas. These personas served as a compass, guiding design decisions that resonate with Spendflo's diverse user base.

Competitor Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of competitor websites revealed industry trends and identified unique opportunities for differentiation. This analysis informed the creation of a design strategy that sets Spendflo apart in the market.

Analytics Review

Deep-diving into Google Analytics, we uncovered insights into user behavior. Identification of underperforming pages, high bounce rates, and user drop-off points became crucial inputs for the redesign strategy.

Design and Prototyping


Wireframes were meticulously crafted to visualize the new information architecture, ensuring that the redesigned platform offers a seamless and logical user flow.


Interactive prototypes were developed to provide stakeholders with a tangible preview of the proposed design. This phase facilitated valuable feedback, ensuring the alignment of design elements with business objectives.

Visual Design

Incorporating Spendflo's brand identity, the visual design focused on creating a modern, clean aesthetic. Emphasis was placed on optimizing typography, color schemes, and imagery for enhanced readability and accessibility.


Page Load Time Optimization

By optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and refining server response times, we significantly reduced page load times, contributing to an improved user experience.

Mobile Responsiveness

Employing a mobile-first approach, the redesigned website seamlessly adapts to various devices, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable experience across smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

SEO Optimization

Incorporating Spendflo's brand identity, the visual design focused on creating a modern, clean aesthetic. Emphasis was placed on optimizing typography, color schemes, and imagery for enhanced readability and accessibility.\

Page Visits

Page Load Time Optimization

Leveraging Google Analytics, we closely monitored page visits, enabling us to track user behavior, popular content, and areas requiring attention.

User Journey Mapping

Heatmaps and session recordings provided invaluable insights into user interactions, enabling us to visualize the user journey and identify friction points for immediate refinement.

Conversion Rates

Analyzing conversion rates for sign-ups and subscription plans allowed us to gauge the effectiveness of the redesign in driving user actions and revenue generation.

The Results


Increased Page Visits

Within the first month post-revamp, page visits soared by an impressive X%, indicating a heightened interest and traffic influx.

Improved User Engagement

Average time spent on the platform witnessed a notable Y% increase, affirming the success of the redesigned features in captivating and retaining user interest.

Enhanced Conversion Rates

Conversion rates for sign-ups and subscription plans experienced a substantial Z% improvement, translating into tangible business growth and increased revenue.


The Spendflo website revamp achieved its objectives by combining innovative design, user-centric strategies, and data-driven decision-making. The resulting platform not only aligns with industry best practices but also sets a new standard for user experience in the SaaS cost optimization sector.

© 2022 RohitthUX

Built by Rohitth Padmanabhan

Made in Framer

© 2022 RohitthUX

Built by Rohitth Padmanabhan

Made in Framer

© 2022 RohitthUX

Built by Rohitth Padmanabhan

Made in Framer

© 2022 RohitthUX

Built by Rohitth Padmanabhan

Made in Framer